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Since 2009, Hardline Design have taken part in designing a wide range innovative products for startups and established corporations.
Through use of both high-tech and traditional methods we visualize client's ideas and help bring these solutions to manufacturing, or as they say: From Art To Part.


The Mission

Hardline Design exist to create innovative and sustainable products. Located in the San Francisco Bay Area, Hardline Design LLC is able to collaborate with world class talent and have access to the best design facilities in the world. Our location has been the cradle of many cultural and technologically significant movements that has changed the world. This inspires us.

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
— Winston Churchill

The Design Process: From hindsight to insight

The design process is actually quite structured and rigid, which may sound of counter intuitive since design is mainly a creative and artistic exercise. Below, you see roughly how the process normally and ideally takes place. That said, there are often ways to shorten the time and scope compared to what is illustrated below. 

Beginning phase (1-3 weeks):

1.0 Research
1.1 Design brief, defining product

1.2 Project planning
1.3 Initial ideations 

Middle phase (1-4 weeks): 

2.0 Establish design direction
2.1 Design refinement: sketch
2.2 Design refinement: prototype
2.3 3D draft model development 

End phase: 2-3 weeks 

3.0 Finalizing of design
3.1 Final design renderings
3.2 Final CAD model build
3.3 Presentation 


How Hardline Design Can Help

  • From established corporations, start-ups, inventors to entrepreneurs can use our services without investing substantial time or cost in a design and engineering of their own. 


  • Product Design services at any stage of your product development: Research, Product Design, Prototyping, Concept Refining, Graphic Design, User Interface, User Experience (UI/UX), Ergonomics, 3D printing, 3D prototyping, Color and Materials.
  • Graphic design services include: Brochures, trade show materials, posters, logos in 2D and 3D, business cards, stationary, company graphics, and more.


  • Company graphic identity, graphic layout such as design of brochures, advertisements, and presentations. We also provide expertise in UX/UI and web design.